An acquisition of shares of a corporation and acquisition of enterprise and assets are most common acquisition methodsin Thailand. Acquisition of sharesThe share acquisition is case study answer most typical method for an organization to acquire a target agency. It is less complicated to enforce but due diligences has to be conducted to determine risks in case study solution target company and indemnities and warranties shall be incorporated in case study answer share purchase contract. It is worth noting that case study answer move of shares will be discipline to stamp duty in Thailand at case study answer rate of 0. 1 percent of case study solution better of move value or par value. Acquisition of company/assetsAn acquisition of assets may be done in case study solution case where case study answer acquirer does not want to run case study solution risk of getting hidden legal and tax liabilities in case study answer target agency as legal and tax liabilities generally remain with case study solution target agency and are not transferred with case study solution company/assets.