” Tom Anderson, director of case study answer National Legal and Policy Center’s Government Integrity Project, said: “It seems Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her affiliates ran an off case study answer books operation to case study solution tune of lots of of hundreds of dollars, thus violating case study answer basis of all campaign finance laws: transparency. ” Chakrabarti, 33, is a Harvard graduate and era entrepreneur who became an organizer for Bernie Sanders during case study answer socialist’s 2016 presidential crusade. He based a PAC called Brand New Congress in 2016 and another called Justice Democrats in 2017, with case study solution stated goal of aiding elect innovative candidates to Congress. One of these candidates was Ocasio Cortez, who, last November, age 29, became case study answer youngest woman ever elected to Congress. According to case study solution Brand New Congress website, case study solution PAC would build a “unified crusade” infrastructure adding fundraising, organizing, rallies, and commercials revolutionary congressional candidates across case study solution country could “plug into,” saving case study answer individual campaigns time and money. “Our idea is truly to run a single unified presidential style campaign that is going to seem a lot like case study solution Bernie Sanders crusade, said Chakrabarti in an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in May 2016.