If you simply focus on case study answer multi billion dollar valuations of young businesses like Pinterest, Uber and Snapchat, you can assume 2013 has been a very good year for tech startups. In truth, it’s been more of a bittersweet year. Internet startup culture has evolved and matured over case study solution past five years, and theres no better example of this than case study answer RISE convention taking place this week in Hong Kong. A version of this text first seemed in case study solution Harvard Business Review Reading case study answer NY Times article Jeffrey Katzenberg Raises $1 Billion for Short Form Video Venture, I realized it was time for a new startup heuristic: case study answer amount of purchaser discovery and product market fit your needs want to findEvery startup I see consistently puts up a aggressive analysis slide that plots performance on a X/Y graph with their agency in case study solution top right. The slide is a holdover from when existing businesses launched products into crowded markets. I am posting this as a MBA Mondays post.